Keep The Community In Your Radio

Keep Community Radio

Community radio suffered badly in the budget. 

The Federal Budget will see a decrease in funding support for the sector of $1.4 million p.a. – funding that keeps community radio stations broadcasting on digital in 5 capital cities.

Community radio’s standing alongside public and commercial broadcasters is at risk.

The Community Broadcasting Association of Australia has launched a campaign to Keep the Community in Your Radio, seeking signatures on a petition calling on both the Coalition and Labor to restore funding to keep community radio on digital.

CBF President Peter Batchelor said “The funding reduction is particularly disappointing given the key role digital radio is expected to play as a free-to-air platform and the recent strong growth in digital radio audiences.”

CBAA CEO Jon Bisset said “For over 40 years, Australian Governments have been committed to community radio standing alongside commercial and national radio services on available free-to-air broadcast platforms. Today, we see that position under threat.”

Read the CBAA’s press release

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